

Grain bowl with collard slaw

Chef Jason hits the nail on every spot. We walked over to Superba Food & Bread for some brunch today. The place on Lincoln I told you about before. I had a grain bowl (quinoa and barley) with creamy egg and collard slaw and some raw cashews. Yum! That’s my health bowl, right there. For dessert we had their “jam of the month” which is strawberry plum over ricotta and of course, their famous bread. It tasted like a better version of swedish waffles. I’m gonna dream of that toast tonight. And then they surprised us with a avocado- and burrata toast with some pepper spread, also incredible tasty.

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Lincoln Blvd, Venice.

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Chiapudding in our little den

Hiding from the heat in the little den with a chia pudding. It’s loaded with cinnamon, toasted nuts and berries, really good. Could be one of the better I had so far.  A great breakfast, if you ask me.


The juicetruck is nicely parked outside G.T.A almost everyday. Yup, we have a juicetruck too.


Laird Hamilton riding the swells and I’m eating a acai bowl down the road.

It’s beautiful out. I’m sitting on the beach eating some breakfast. The waves are kinda big today. Not on this picture but Hurricane Marie brings big surf and many surfers takes the day off. It’s not everyday they get to ride these monsters. Again, I’m not referring to this picture – but I guarantee big once. Check out Laird Hamilton today in Malibu.


Acai bowls are always a great idea. I topped with some almond butter and added 1 tsp maca as well. Good energy, nutritious and delicious…. as I always say!

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